Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I discovered mirrors!!

One of the first times that Elinor played with the mirror. Sorry the volume is so low.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Little Monkey!

The monkey costume that I made for Elinor.
 Oh, and her first piece of candy at the ward Trunk or Treat.

Before we left.

All pooped out!!

What is Elinor up to these days?

Elinor: I love stuffed animals! Put one just a little out of reach and I will try my best to turn and reach it. I enjoy this game especially in the morning when I wake up. Mom has found me all twisted and turned in my crib. I recently discovered the monkeys that hang on the side of my crib. They are a good goal to reach for. =) I'm almost rolling over! Yesterday I flipped myself from my tummy to my back. On Saturday, Daddy said I am for sure his daughter. I was laying on the play mat and started to kick one of the bars that goes around it. I discovered that when I did this, one of the toys hanging from it would hit my head. It sure was funny! I got quite a few laughs out it again and again. I also love to grab my toes while I get my diaper changed. I think it is funny to not let my parents fasten it. Oh! My favorite right now it to be held up in the air above your head. I will laugh, sometimes even when I'm being fussy. I love to talk and be held. Sometimes I make it hard for mom and dad to do anything, but I love it!