Just enjoying some sunshine. Mom needed to get out of the house for a bit. So we laid on a blanket behind out house. Elinor was happy about it too!
The flash on my phone kinda startles her.
Elinor and her platypus. I think she really likes the way it feels.
Our FIRST tomatoes of the year (there are a few other ones). The big one is about 2 inches in diameter right now. Hopefully they will survive the crazy weather we are having. We turned on our heat yesterday and had the first frost last night.
Our banana pepper crop with so many more to come. Oh, and jalapeno. Now only to figure out what to do with them.
Mmmm, yummy peppers! I wish I had planted banana peppers not jalepeno. I have a huge crop growing so maybe salsa is in my future. :) Banana peppers are yummy in salads. Even chopped in potato salad or in a lettuce one. Or with eggs.