Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Little Monkey!

The monkey costume that I made for Elinor.
 Oh, and her first piece of candy at the ward Trunk or Treat.

Before we left.

All pooped out!!

What is Elinor up to these days?

Elinor: I love stuffed animals! Put one just a little out of reach and I will try my best to turn and reach it. I enjoy this game especially in the morning when I wake up. Mom has found me all twisted and turned in my crib. I recently discovered the monkeys that hang on the side of my crib. They are a good goal to reach for. =) I'm almost rolling over! Yesterday I flipped myself from my tummy to my back. On Saturday, Daddy said I am for sure his daughter. I was laying on the play mat and started to kick one of the bars that goes around it. I discovered that when I did this, one of the toys hanging from it would hit my head. It sure was funny! I got quite a few laughs out it again and again. I also love to grab my toes while I get my diaper changed. I think it is funny to not let my parents fasten it. Oh! My favorite right now it to be held up in the air above your head. I will laugh, sometimes even when I'm being fussy. I love to talk and be held. Sometimes I make it hard for mom and dad to do anything, but I love it!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just enjoying some sunshine

Just enjoying some sunshine. Mom needed to get out of the house for  a bit. So we laid on a blanket behind out house. Elinor was happy about it too!

The flash on my phone kinda startles her.  

Elinor and her platypus. I think she really likes the way it feels.

Our FIRST tomatoes of the year (there are a few other ones). The big one is about 2 inches in diameter right now. Hopefully they will survive the crazy weather we are having. We turned on our heat yesterday and had the first frost last night. 

Our banana pepper crop with so many more to come. Oh, and jalapeno. Now only to figure out what to do with them. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Walks, Parks, Friends and Teething

Elinor and her friend Brooke at Wilson Park.

 The three of us went for a walk and Elinor was way happy and laughing. And then she decieded  to be way unhappy.

It was food time!

Just a cute pic.

 From this morning. The first time in a couple of days that she let me put her down on the floor of a good while. We believe Elinor is starting the wonderful teething process. I LOVE ORAJEL! We bought some yesterday, and things have quieted down some.  
The light from the flash on my phone kinda scared her.

Random thought: I have decided the reason Barbies have extremely stiff straight arms is so that as a mother you know how to dress a little person. =)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bikes, Blues & BarBQ

This weekend was when the real Hogs rolled into Hog Country. For 5 days the population of Northwest Arkansas increases by about 300,000. Yep, that's a lot of people! The majority of these riding motorcycles. Pete experience the effects of this Saturday at work. They were busy all day and the majority of the night. Walking outside the house I can hear the roar of the bikes on the highway. As I was driving around yesterday, I really wanted to video the view of all the hogs. It really is a sight. But oh so noisy. We didn't go to Dickson St this year. (That is the main street that event took place on.) We did go last year and saw all the crazy looking bikes that people ride. There are so pretty amazing ones. But all and all, I can't wait till tomorrow when they will be gone again. =)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Being a mom isn't a hobby it is a calling.

General Conference was great today! There were so many talks that stuck home and were just what I needed. I can never remember who says what, but I loved the talk about having children. Being a mom isn't a hobby it is a calling. And my daughter is cuter than stamps (and more precious). 

Besides Elinor keeping me busy, I made a few bows. I'm excited to make some more! I just have to find the right colors.

This evening we went on a walk to the trail near our house. Just a few pics for fun.

This is my favorite. She is giving me the "Really Mom?" Look.